Terms of service.


Orders are processed from Monday to Friday. As soon as the order has been shipped you will receive an email with your tracking number. Orders placed over the weekend will be processed starting on the following Monday morning. Shipping costs are 5 euros for Italy, Onini Atelier ships throughout Italy for free for orders over 100 euros, in the EU the shipping costs are 10 euros, and there is free shipping for orders over 150 euros, and in the rest of the world shipping costs are 20 euros and there is free shipping for orders over 200 euros. Every parcel is process via the courier TNT/Fedex with a tracking number to secure your shipment. It is important when ordering something to enter a correct e-mail address and telephone number. In case the courier does not find anyone at the time of delivery, he will contact the customer by phone to schedule a second delivery step. In the event that the customer is also absent on the second delivery step, the order will be automatically returned to the sender. Parcels are usually delivered from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 19:00.

PAYMENT METHODS You can choose the payment method that you prefer between credit card, prepaid card, or Applepay. We accept: Visa, Mastercard, Postepay, AMEX, American Express. 


-        Standard: 3-5 working days (excluding Saturdays and holidays)

-        Abroad: 3-5 working days (excluding Saturdays and holidays)

Onini Atelier is not responsible for any delays due to customs operations and controls, or due to force majeure. During national holidays, shipments may take longer. In all cases. Onini Atelier reserves the right to postpone the shipment if events with force majeure occur.


You can request a return for any product within 7 days from the delivery date. To proceed with the return, you must complete the return form available on the website by clicking here. The shipping costs (domestic or non-domestic) are charged to the customer. Onini Atelier will refund the customer within 7 days of receiving the return, net of shipping costs, on the same payment method used to purchase the order. Please be aware: To exercise the right of withdrawal, the product must be returned in an intact state of conservation, with the original packaging, label and tag in order to safeguard the original packaging.


For Onini (“ONINI ATELIER”) your privacy and the security of your personal data are very important, which is why we collect and manage your personal data with the utmost care and take specific measures to keep them safe. Below you will find the main informations on the processing by ONINI ATELIER of your personal data in relation to your browsing of oniniatelier.com and the use of the services offered. Please also read the "Cookie Policy", the "Terms and conditions" of the oniniatelier.com site, which contain detailed information on the conditions relating to our services. 


Below is the main information on the processing of your personal data carried out by Onini Atelier Società a Responsabilità Limitata Semplificata based in Livorno (LI) Via di Montenero 36, 57128 P.IVA 01983630490 (“ONINI ATELIER”), as Data Controller. For any clarification, question or need related to your privacy and the processing of your personal data, you can contact us at any time by sending an email request to our email address hello@oniniatelier.com


The personal data that ONINI ATELIER processes are those you provide us when you complete an order and purchase goods, and those we collect while you browse or use the services offered on oniniatelier.com. ONINI ATELIER can therefore collect data about you such as personal data such as name and surname, shipping address and billing address, navigation data and your purchasing habits. Your personal data are processed for the following purposes:

-        Conclude and execute the purchase contract for goods offered on oniniatelier.com;

-        Allow you to register on the Site and use the services reserved for registered users;

-        Manage your requests forwarded to our email address hello@oniniatelier.com.

In the aforementioned cases, the processing of your personal data is legitimate as it is necessary to execute a contract with you or to provide you with the service you have specifically requested from us. We also carry out statistical surveys and analyzes with data in aggregate form to understand how users interact and use the Site, to improve our offer and our services. Only with your express consent instead, we process your personal data for carry out commercial and promotional communication activities and customize the Site and commercial offers based on your interests.


Your personal data are processed by ONINI ATELIER duly trained personnel as Data Controller. Furthermore, for organizational and functional needs relating to the provision of services on oniniatelier.com, your data may be processed by our suppliers. The latter have been evaluated and chosen by ONINI ATELIER for their proven reliability and competence.


We keep your personal data for a limited period of time which depends on the purpose for which they were collected, at the end of which your personal data will be deleted or in any case made irreversibly anonymous. The retention period differs depending on the purpose of the processing.


At any time, depending on the specific treatment, you can: revoke the consent to the treatment, know what your personal data are in our possession, their origin and how they are used, request their updating, rectification or integration as well as, in the cases provided for by the provisions in force, the cancellation, limitation of treatment or oppose their treatment. If you wish, you can request to receive the personal data held by ONINI ATELIER concerning you in a format that can be read by electronic devices and, where technically possible, we can transfer your data directly to a third party indicated by you. If you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out illegitimately, you can lodge a complaint with one of the competent supervisory authorities for compliance with the rules on personal data protection. In Italy, the complaint can be presented to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/).

This information may undergo changes and additions over time, therefore we invite you to periodically check its contents. Where possible, we will try to inform you promptly of the changes made.

Privacy policy:
General informations


Onini Atelier Società a Responsabilità Limitata Semplificata based in Livorno (LI) Via di Montenero 36, 57128 P.IVA 01983630490 ("ONINI ATELIER"), is the Data Controller, that is the person who decides how and why to process your personal data. You can always contact ONINI ATELIER by writing to hello@oniniatelier.com.


ONINI ATELIER is the Personal Data Protection Officer. If you wish, for any request regarding the protection of your personal data and the exercise of your rights, you can contact us by writing to hello@oniniatelier.com.


The categories of personal data that ONINI ATELIER collects and processes when you browse or shop on oniniatelier.com are the following:

a) we collect the personal data necessary to complete and execute your purchase on oniniatelier.com such as name and surname, e-mail address, shipping address, billing address, telephone and payment data;

b) we collect your e-mail address when you create your account;

c) we process the personal data you provide us when you contact us by email at our address hello@oniniatelier.com to provide you with the assistance requested;

d) with your consent, we collect and use your personal data for marketing purposes;

e) subject to your express consent, by analyzing your personal data we can process information regarding your interests and preferences with respect to our products and services, in order to present proposals and offers in line with your tastes.

f) we collect information about your browsing on oniniatelier.com, such as the pages you visit and how you interact with the single page and we save this information on our servers.


ONINI ATELIER collects and processes your personal data for the following purposes:

a) conclude and execute the purchase contract for the products offered on oniniatelier.com. When you complete your purchase, we ask you for the personal data necessary for the execution of the contract, such as payment, anti-fraud checks if you choose to pay by credit or debit card, billing, product shipping and any management of the made.

b) provision of the services offered on oniniatelier.com. For this purpose ONINI ATELIER needs to collect, in relation to each service and its characteristics, the personal data necessary for the performance of the service requested by you.

c) management of requests to our email address hello@oniniatelier.com, which uses the personal data you provide to satisfy your requests for information and requests for assistance.

d) statistical analyzes and surveys. We use some information on your use of the Site to carry out statistical analyzes and surveys in order to improve our offer and our services;

e) subject to your express consent, we may use the contact details you have provided for commercial communications on our products and services, in order to update you on news, new arrivals, exclusive products, our offers and promotions. Furthermore, always with your consent, we will be able to use your contacts as part of market research and surveys for the detection of satisfaction in order to improve our services and the relationship with our users. 

If you do not wish to receive further communications from ONINI ATELIER or wish to limit the ways in which you are contacted, you can interrupt these communications at any time by simply clicking on the appropriate "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of each communication.


You can exercise your rights at any time with reference to the specific processing of your personal data by ONINI ATELIER. Find below their general description and how to exercise them.

a) Access your data and modify it: you have the right to access your personal data and to request that it be corrected, modified or integrated with other information. If you wish, we will provide you with a copy of your data in our possession.

b) Withdraw your consent: you can revoke at any time a consent you have given for the processing of your personal data in relation to any activity for marketing purposes. In this regard, we remind you that the sending of commercial and promotional communications, the carrying out of market research and surveys for the detection of satisfaction for the personalization of the website and commercial offers based on your interests are considered marketing activities. . Upon receipt of your request, we will promptly cease the processing of your personal data based on this consent, while different treatments or based on other assumptions will continue to be carried out in full compliance with the provisions in force.

c) Opposition to the processing of your data: you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest, explaining the reasons that justify your request; before accepting it, ONINI ATELIER will have to evaluate the reasons for your request.

d) Delete your data: in the cases provided for by current legislation you can request the cancellation of your personal data. Once your request has been received and examined, if legitimate, we will promptly cease processing and delete your personal data.

e) Request that the processing of your personal data be temporarily limited: in this case ONINI ATELIER will continue to keep your personal data but will not process them, unless it is subject to your different request and the exceptions provided for by law. You can obtain the limitation of processing when you dispute the accuracy of your personal data, when the processing is unlawful but you oppose the cancellation of your data, when your data no longer serves us but you need it to exercise your right in court and when you object to the processing, during the period in which we evaluate the reasons for your request.

f) Request your data or transfer them to a person other than ONINI ATELIER (“right to data portability”). You can ask to receive your data that we process based on your consent or on the basis of a contract with you in a standard format. If you wish, where technically possible, we can at your request transfer your data directly to a third party indicated by you.

In order to exercise some of your rights described above, you can contact us by writing to the email address hello@oniniatelier.com . To ensure that our users' data are not infringed or illegitimate by third parties, before accepting your request to exercise one of the rights indicated, we will ask you for some information to be sure of your identity. 


If you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out illegitimately, you can lodge a complaint with one of the competent supervisory authorities for compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data. In Italy, the complaint can be presented to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data. More information on the methods of presentation are available on the website of the Guarantor, at http://www.garanteprivacy.it .


The constant evolution of our services may involve changes in the characteristics of the processing of your personal data described up to now. Consequently, this privacy statement may undergo changes and additions over time, which may also be necessary in relation to new regulatory interventions regarding the protection of personal data. We therefore invite you to periodically check the contents: where possible, we will try to promptly inform you about the changes made and their consequences. The updated version of the privacy policy, in any case, will be published on this page, indicating the date of its last update.


The processing of your personal data is carried out by ONINI ATELIER in full compliance with the regulations on the matter provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the rules on the processing of Italian personal data and the provisions of the Authority of Italian control (http://www.garanteprivacy.it) .


Onini Atelier processes and stores personal data with the help of IT systems owned by it which are managed by Onini Atelier or by third party technical service providers; The data are processed only by specifically authorized personnel and are not transferred abroad.


Onini Atelier undertakes to protect the security of the user's personal data and to comply with the security provisions established by the applicable legislation to avoid data loss, illegitimate or illegal use of data and unauthorized access to the same, with particular but not exclusive reference to Annex B to the Privacy Code (Technical Regulations regarding minimum security measures). In addition, the information systems and computer programs are configured in such a way as to minimize the use of personal and identification data, used only when necessary with respect to the specific processing purposes pursued from time to time. Onini Atelier uses various security technologies and specific procedures to protect users' personal data; for example, personal data are stored on secure servers located in controlled access locations. 

Cookie policy


In order to make its services as efficient and easy to use as possible, this site uses cookies. Therefore, when you visit the Site, a minimum amount of information is entered into the User's device, such as small text files called "cookies", which are saved in the User's Web browser directory. There are different types of cookies, but basically the main purpose of a cookie is to make the Site work more effectively and to enable certain features. Cookies are used to improve the user's global navigation. Particularly:

a) They allow you to efficiently navigate from page to page on the website.

b) They memorize the username and preferences entered.

c) They allow you to avoid entering the same information (such as username and password) several times during the visit.

d) They measure the use of services by Users, to optimize the browsing experience and the services themselves.

e) Present targeted advertising information based on the interests and behavior expressed by the User while browsing.

There are various types of cookies. Below are the types of cookies that can be used on the Site with a description of the purpose linked to their use. 


Cookies of this type are necessary for the proper functioning of some areas of the site. Cookies in this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies. In the absence of these cookies, the site or some portions of it may not work properly. Therefore, they are always used, regardless of the user's preferences. Cookies in this category are always sent from our domain.


Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the site. The Data Controller uses this information for statistical analysis, to improve the site and simplify its use, as well as to monitor its correct functioning. This type of cookie collects anonymous information about user activity on the site and how they arrived at the site and the pages visited. Cookies in this category are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.


Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the website by visitors, the keywords used to reach the site, the websites visited and the origins of the traffic from which visitors come for marketing campaigns. The owner can use this information to compile reports and improve the Site. The cookies collect information anonymously. Cookies of this type are sent from the Site itself or from third-party domains.


Cookies of this type are used to integrate third-party functionality on the Site (for example, forms for comments or social network icons that allow visitors to share the content of the site). Cookies in this category can be sent from the domains of partner sites or that in any case offer the features present on the site. The Owner is not required to request the user's consent for technical cookies, as these are strictly necessary for the provision of the service. For other types of cookies, consent can be expressed by the User, in accordance with current legislation, through specific configurations of the browser and computer programs or devices that are easy and clear to use for the User. The Owner reminds the User that it is possible to change the cookie preferences at any time. It is also possible to disable cookies from the browser at any time, but this operation may prevent the User from using certain parts of the Site.


The site contains links to other websites that have their own privacy policy. These privacy policies may be different from the one adopted by the Owner, who therefore is not liable for third-party sites. Pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 the consent to the use of these cookies is expressed by the interested party through the individual setting that he has freely chosen for the browser used to navigate the site, without prejudice to the user's right to communicate at any time to the Data Controller their will regarding data managed through cookies that the browser itself has accepted.


There are several ways to manage cookies and other traceability technologies. By changing your browser settings, you can accept or reject cookies or decide to receive a warning message before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. We remind you that by completely disabling cookies in your browser you may not be able to use all our interactive features. If you use multiple computers in different locations, make sure each browser is set up to suit your preferences.

You can delete all cookies installed in your browser's cookie folder. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Click on one of the links below for specific instructions.

a) Microsoft Windows Explorer

b) Google Chrome

c) Mozilla Firefox

d) Apple Safari

If you do not use any of the browsers listed above, select "cookies" in the relevant section of the guide to find out where your cookie folder is.


Click the link below to change your Flash cookie settings. Disabling Flash cookies


In addition to being able to use the tools provided by the browser to activate or deactivate individual cookies, we inform you that the website www.youronlinechoices.com shows the list of the main providers who work with website managers to collect and use information useful for the use of advertising. behavioral. You can deactivate or activate all companies or alternatively adjust preferences individually for each company. To do this, you can use the tool found on the page www.youronlinechoices.com/it/le-tue-scelte .