HOW TO definitely recognize a red-flag

Raise your hand if you have never met a person in your life and perceived, at a certain undefined moment, that there was something that didn't work well.

I don't believe it, put that hand down.

All of us have been victims, more or less consciously, of what are commonly recognized as red-flags and we have all been, more or less deliberately, free to ignore them until proven otherwise. This is normal, when we notice something that could remotely look like a red-flag we are often already so in love with that person and deeply engaged in that situation, that we prefer to ignore that annoying alarm bell, repeating ourselves that " if eye does not see, heart does not hurt". Well yes, because we’re talking about our “inner eye”, but what about the eyes of the ones who really care about us? They are trying to bring us back to reality by banging all those little alarm bells (that we meticulously had locked up in the most remote corner of our closet next to the outfits we wore in the early 2000s) in our faces.

That's why we are writing a simple note of the most commonly sentences used by the most famous red-flag men in the world, in order to understand, even before immediately, if the person we are dating falls into this fantastic category.

Why were you online at 5 am?

How many of them have you been with?

Do you go out dressed like that?

 I'm not ready for a relationship

Here they are, a few magical words, each responding to a different lack, each one that suggests catastrophic relationships and various nervous breakdown. Often, too often, sentences like these have seemed normal to us and in some cases we have even tried to justify them or to seek an adequate answer, but in reality they are sentences that should put us on alert from the ZERO moment. So that, some of the possible answers we might give next time are simply YES: “YES, I was online at 5 am from the moment I was awake and bored and I was watching puppies video on Instagram, and YES, in high school I’ve had a relationship with all of them because I had fun I was young wild and totally free, and once again YES, this is one of my favorite outfits, and lastly, YES you’re not ready and you never will be my darling, sorry for you.”

Again, you’re welcome.




5 STEPS PROCESS TO: have success (Plus a bonus)