5 promises I did not keep to myself.

Hello Gang, today’s journal is focused on ourselves. That’s because we used to talk about how we interact with others, how we can better manage our relationship, how others behave with us and many other (super interesting) blah blah blah. So that, because we’re the first and main judges, is important to recognize when we do not keep a promise with the person we pass the entire and mostly part of our entire life, we deserve honesty, isn’t it right?

That being said, here the most common lies ALL of us have definitely told to ourselves:

  1. The most common and universally shared: “Starting from tomorrow I’ll stop eating junk food and really focus on healthy food. What have you had for breakfast this morning?

  2. The impossible one: “This is the last message I’m going to send him ever”. And what about the message for wedding congratulations? 

  3. The one we really should stop doing: “I will not do bangs anymore”. Oh no I did it again.

  4. The one we tell ourselves when we feel sustainable: “I’ll be minimalist with my wardrobe, I’ve outfits for an entire year. Yes, sure, but what’s your credit card balance this month? 

  5. The most skilled one, most usable, most common and definitely the one we never stop tell us for an indefinite number of situations: “I’m going to stop it”. No one believes it, nor you.

 Nothing more to add.

 You’re welcome,


HOW TO: have a beginner’s mind
