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HOW TO: have a beginner’s mind

Having a beginner’s mind means having the ability to embrace and accept what surrounds us with positivity. It’s something that we probably have left in our childhood, but actually essential still now.

So, here is a useful and short note to remind ourselves how to find our inner child.

  • Use your free time to learn something new, it should not be something difficult or intellectually complicated, it should be a new recipe, a new sport, a new yoga session. The only important thing is that it’s something purely yours.

  • If you cannot change your everyday route, take a different one. This will help you to look at new hidden corners, and create a new and unique path.

  • If you are in love with your Spotify Playlist, continue listening to it and singing aloud when you’re performing your “All by myself” shower concert;  the only suggestion is to try to listen to your favorite pieces differently as you’re listening to them for the first time. Keep making us dream Celine!

  • See someone in a different light, even your jerk colleague who’s continuously chatting to you when you’re tasting your third morning coffee. Doing it will teach you to put aside your beliefs and opinions and look for something positive, also in the unuseful morning small-talks.

  • At last, the most obvious and truthful suggestion: take a deep breath and start again, and again.

Again, you’re welcome.

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