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5 WAYS TO: create a safe mindfulness habit

  1. Set a timer on your phone: (not the alarm which reminds you when your boss -or someone you don’t want to talk with- is calling you) to remind you to be take time for you and time for breath. It could be an opportunity to pause for a moment during your infinite and stressful “to do list of the day” and simply consider where you are, what you are doing and what you are thinking deeply.

  2. Put a note on your bathroom mirror: it could be a nice post it where you wish yourself something positive, it’s like a reminder simply saying “go on girl!”

  3. Decide to do things differently: this is a suggestion if you’d like to experience difference results. We cannot change what happens but we can try to change our reaction on them.

  4. Make a date with yourself: we always find time to do everything during our day, but too often we are simply too busy to make a date with ourself. We should not do something demanding, it could be taking a long shower, a short walk, drinking a cup of coffee when everyone is still sleeping.

  5. Commit to be positive every time you open a door: when you open a door, forget for a while what is on your mind and, instead, open the door with patience, smell the air, listen to the sound of the new space you are entering.

At last, remember than creating an habit could be hard at the beginning but afterwards the habit will become easy and the easy will become beautiful.

Again, you’re welcome !